Non-Traditional Family Counselling

Non-traditional families are now a common part of society. However, our ability to understand and discuss their challenges has not kept up with the times. Solo parenting, blended families, families with step-parents, and platonic- and poly-parenting all reflect the realities of today. Counselling highlights the strengths and challenges of each particular family structure to avoid the anxiety caused by comparison to the traditional hetero-nuclear family model. This approach creates a non-judgmental space for people to talk openly about how their life circumstances and aspirations brought them together as a family that seeks the best for their children and each other. 

Non-Traditional Family Counselling can help with concerns such as:

  • My two teenagers have been slow to accept my new partner. What could we do differently to help them feel more comfortable?

  • My best friends and I have decided to have a baby. We’re excited, but also have many questions. 

  • My partner just came out to me. We don’t yet know what this means for our relationship, or for our family. 

  • How do I deal with my parents who don’t accept that I am living with a divorced, older woman?

Family Counselling, Vancouver (in-person), British Columbia (virtual)

If non-traditional family counselling seems right for you, please reach out for a free consultation and we can get started.